NCSR Demokritos proudly announces that Linked Business, based in the Lefkippos Technology Park, won the first prize among 331 proposals at NBG Business Seeds in the 9th Innovation & Technology Competition of the National Bank of Greece. The competition was aimed at highlighting and rewarding innovative ideas based on new technologies and promoting innovation in Greece and is part of the NBG Business Seeds program towards supporting innovative entrepreneurship.
The company created by Dr. Mihalis Vafopoulos and Researchers of the Knowledge and Software Technologies Laboratory (SKEL) in the framework of research projects of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, such as Your Data Stories (Horizon 2020) and Open Journalism (Google DNI), won the first place with a prize of 20,000 euro.
Linked Business is a platform that provides targeted information on entrepreneurship and public money based on official open data sources. It provides analytical and decision-making tools for Greek businesses for all market segments to discover and understand market trends, potential customers and competition. The service operating today is directly related to sales and marketing managers as well as financial advisers and business and investment assessors.
For more information:
Email: info@linkedbusiness.gr
Website: www.linkedbusiness.gr