
PhosPrint is a laser bioprinter developer focusing on the highly precise and rapid delivery of cells and other bio-inks on the substrates of interest for tissue regeneration, printed diagnostics and biosensor applications.
Laser bioprinting is a technology that allows the precise and rapid delivery of cells on planar and/or curved substrates. Using focused laser pulses and by determining the laser parameters it is possible to control the number of cells per printed droplet and the geometry of the printed patterns.
The technology exhibits high resolution (10 μm) and therefore enables the highly precise placement of cells at pre-defined positions in the 3-dimensional space when complex architectures are required.
- Health & Life Sciences

Contact Details
Technological and Scientific Park of Attica Lefkippos
Patr. Gregoriou E' & 27, Neapoleos str.
153 41, Agia Paraskevi
Attica, Greece
Patr. Gregoriou E' & 27, Neapoleos str.
153 41, Agia Paraskevi
Attica, Greece