NEEST – NEW ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES EE was founded in 2017, being the successful continuation of EVILION PC, aiming to provide integrated consulting services in the fields of “Green” Energy and Environment Protection. It also focuses on developing know-how and innovative tools in the above fields, by investing in R&D actions through its participation in Research Projects. The members of our team possess a high experience in techno-economic analyses, environmental permitting process, submission of funding applications and design of “green energy” projects. NEEST offers its consulting services both in public and private sectors.
Environment Protection combined with Sustainable Development are the basic priorities of NEEST. The vision of our company (based on the specialized services we provide) is to contribute significantly in the enhancement of Greek Economy competitiveness, to develop innovative tools and know-how in order to facilitate environment quality improvement and in green energy uptake.
NEEST takes over the implementation of the following Activity Plans for Municipalities/ Regions who have already signed the Covenant of Mayors:
Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP)
Local Adaptation Plans to Climate Change (Mayors ADAPT)
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP)
NEEST also takes over the implementation of the following services:
Support of Municipalities and Regions participation in the European H2 & Fuel Cells – Regions and Cities Initiative (www.fch.europa.eu)
Support of Municipalities in the realisation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP)
Electric Mobility Action Plans for Municipalities and Regions
Support of Municipalities participation in CIVITAS Initiative (http://www.civitas.eu/about-us-page) regarding sustainable mobility and innovative technologies in the transport sector
Integrated Energy Planning for Cities and Regions
Integrated Consulting Service for the development and Operation of Energy Communities
NEEST also takes over the implementation of business plans and funding application submissions in the following frameworks: European Projects, Greek Investment Law, National Funding Strategic Plan in the following fields: :
- Hybrid RES – Energy Storage Power Systems in non-interconnected Greek Islands
- Desalination Plants in combination with RES in Greek islands
- Combined Heat and Power Projects
- Tourism investments
Proposal design, preparation and project management in the context of HORIZON 2020 in the fields of Energy, Environment and Transport
Proposal / Business Plan submission in the context of the European SME Instrument Framework
Funding applications in the context of the National ESPA Framework in the following categories: 1) innovative business and 2) tourism investments
Proposal design, preparation and project management in the context of the Call «Research – Creation – Innovation» of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology
NEEST also offers the following services:
Environmental permitting
Energy studies and techno-economic analyses for autonomous and grid-connected power systems (hybrid power systems including RES and energy storage technologies including hydrogen, batteries and pump hydro)
Energy Saving studies (Municipalities, Industry and the Private Sector)
PV projects (net -metering) design and implementation
- Environment & Climate change

Patr. Gregoriou E' & 27, Neapoleos str.
153 41, Agia Paraskevi
Attica, Greece