AM4GR. a center of expertise in the field of Additive Manufacturing aiming to enhance the industrial sector of Greece
AM4GR is the result of joining forces by SIEMENS S.A., ELKEME (Hellenic Research Centre for Metals S.A., a Viohalco subsidiary,) DEMOKRITOS (the National Centre for Scientific Research) and FEAC Engineering (the official Siemens DISW (Digital Industries Software) Smart, software and technology Partner).
The aim of AM4GR is to support and prepare the Greek market for the arrival of Additive Manufacturing (AM) / 3D- Printing Technology, which is changing the face of the industry worldwide by eliminating the traditional production models to the benefit of businesses, societies & individuals. To this end, AM4GR aims to create an Additive Manufacturing platform in Greece and provide access to a global network. The AM platform shall create awareness about this new technology by creating a community of members that will offer trainings, share examples of best practices, bring cooperating companies together, etc. This Initiative will enable participating companies to gain a competitive advantage and create opportunities for this new community (or technology)
- Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology & Devices

Patr. Gregoriou E' & 27, Neapoleos str.
153 41, Agia Paraskevi
Attica, Greece