Lefkippos is primarily managed by members of NCSR Demokritos’ Innovation Office. The work of the Innovation Office is supported by a five-membered Advisory Committee of researchers, and is supervised by NCSR Demokritos’ Board of Directors. The role of the research faculty members of the committee is to act as liaison persons between NCSR “NCSR Demokritos” and the hosted SMEs/startups of Lefkippos, in order to ensure effective interaction by spotting potential collaboration opportunities in topics that fall within the expertise of their research institutions. Upon spotting such an interaction/collaboration opportunity the liaison person raises this topic at the Advisory Committee meeting, where the startup/SMEs representatives are invited to discuss the potential collaboration. Upon preliminary agreement, the coordinating committee makes a proposal to the president and director of the steering board of NCSR “NCSR Demokritos” in order an official decision to be taken for commercial collaboration by issuing a mutual collaboration agreement (CA). Such agreements may further include the involvement of more tenants and stakeholders, including also policy makers from the public administration.
Moreover, the Innovation Office is developing a pool of various stakeholders from Industry, Academia, Research and Funding in National and International (European or other) and assures that are brought together in the pursuit of fruitful collaborations.